MolecuLight DX Device


Point-of-Care Wound Imaging Device for
Detection of the Presence and
Location of Elevated Bacterial Loads
and Digital Wound Measurement

Red fluorescence (above) indicates the presence and location of most porphyrin-producing bacterial species at elevated loads (>104 CFU/g).

How can the MolecuLightDXbenefit your wound care practice?

Informs clinical decision making at the point-of-care
Guiding cleansing, debridement and sampling to regions with high bacterial loads

The MolecuLightDX can be used on all wound types — and can be used in all care settings

Easily fits your clinical workflow
Portable, handheld
and easily moved between rooms

Longitudinal Wound Tracking
Wound area is automatically graphed and tracked on the DX over time

Comprehensive EMR Integration
Allows flexible on-
device storage and formal EMR integration

Differentiates Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Cyan fluorescence indicates the presence and location of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (at >104 CFU/g)


Find out more on MolecuLight’s REIMBURSEMENT PATHWAY