- Triaging patients: with wounds who are being treated in homecare clinics, long-term care centers or smaller clinics without a dedicated wound care clinician to better determine which patients have high bacterial bioburden and would benefit from travelling to the wound care clinician for more advanced wound therapies
- Remotely monitor patients’ wounds that do not have high bacterial bioburden and therefore may be able to continue remote treatment in their current setting
- Remotely monitor the efficacy of treatment plans over the duration of the treatment to ensure the reduction of bacterial bioburden
- Remotely have the wound care clinician guide the care provider at the patient bedside on how to best care for and treat the wound
- Facilitating patient engagement in their wound healing through visualizing their wound’s bacterial burden using the MolecuLight i:X

- Assess the wound(s) under standard lighting conditions,
- Visualize the digital wound area measurements,
- Assess and interpret the wound fluorescence, and
- Provide wound care advice via telemedicine based on the bacterial information provided by the MolecuLight i:X.