How will fluorescence imaging impact wound care?

New wave of fluorescence imaging technologies may help in managing infection.

Effective wound management is a challenge for healthcare. In Canada, wounds cost $3.9 billion annually (approximately 3% of total healthcare expenditures). Individuals with chronic wounds experience harmful consequences including intractable pain, infectious complications, hospitalization, reduced quality of life, depression, and increased risk of death. With the continued rise in the incidence of diabetes and obesity, wound care will continue to be a serious burden in our society.

Surprisingly and unfortunately, compared to other health care specialties, technology has played a small, to non-existent role in wound care. However, it looks like things are about to change.

In the recent article ‘Fluorescence Technology for Point of Care Wound Management’, the authors examine a new wave of fluorescence imaging technologies that may help in the areas of ischemia and infection.

The article reviews the specific applications of fluorescence imaging for biofilm and bacteria detection, tissue perfusion and cutaneous oxygenation.

Since wound care clinicians currently rely primarily on clinical signs and symptoms, no doubt that for adoption, these new technologies should be rapid, efficient, visual and be available at the bedside.

The article reviews the specific applications of fluorescence imaging for biofilm and bacteria detection, tissue perfusion and cutaneous oxygenation.

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