All Webcasts > A New Way to Look at Wounds in the Covid-19 Era
A New Way to Look at Wounds in the Covid-19 Era: When PPE Has Eliminated Smell From the Infection Equation
Hear two wound care experts, Rosemary Hill and Martha Kelso discuss “A New Way to Look at Wounds in the Covid-19 Era: When PPE Has Eliminated Smell From the Infection Equation”. They describe how COVID-19 has impacted their wound care practice and how the adoption of MolecuLight into their standard of care has enabled them to overcome the limitations brought on by COVID, enabling proactive wound care at a time when patients need it the most.
Read the accompanying article from Today’s Wound Clinic,“A New Way to Look at Wounds in the Covid-19 Era: When PPE Has Eliminated Smell From the Infection Equation”.
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