Clinician Presentations
Media List

Debridement strategies: Assessing/managing wound bioburden using MolecuLight i:X
Learn how the MolecuLight i:X can be used to guide debridement.
Debridement strategies: Assessing/managing wound bioburden using MolecuLight i:X
Learn how the MolecuLight i:X can be used to assess and manage wound bioburden through guided debridement.

Improving wound management & patient engagement with the MolecuLight i:X
See how the MolecuLight i:X is used to improve wound management and patient engagement.
Improving wound management & patient engagement with the MolecuLight i:X
Find out how Rosemary Hill, BSN uses the MolecuLight i:X to improve wound management and patient engagement.

Improve wound measurement accuracy with the MolecuLight i:X
Learn how to improve wound measurement accuracy using the MolecuLight i:X.
Improve wound measurement accuracy with the MolecuLight i:X
Learn how to improve wound measurement accuracy using the MolecuLight i:X to measure and document wound size.

Can we rely on the MolecuLight i:X to visualize Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Rose Raizman, RN-EC shares her experience in clinic using the MolecuLight i:X to visualize Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Can we rely on the MolecuLight i:X to visualize Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Rose Raizman, RN-EC shares her experience in clinic using the MolecuLight i:X to visualize Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Determining the effectiveness of operative debridement with the MolecuLight i:X
Dr. Elliot Walters assesses debridement with the MolecuLight i:X, and explores how to effectively reduce bacterial bioburden.
Determining the effectiveness of operative debridement with the MolecuLight i:X
Dr. Elliot Walters assesses debridement with the MolecuLight i:X, and explores how to effectively reduce bacterial bioburden.

Shifting focus: Implications of periwound bacterial load on wound hygiene
Learn how the MolecuLight i:X can be incorporated into routine wound care to optimize wound hygiene by guiding targeted cleansing.
Shifting focus: Implications of periwound bacterial load on wound hygiene
Rosemary Hill, BSN discusses the implications of periwound bacterial load on wound hygiene and how the MolecuLight i:X helped improve patient outcomes in a study of 10 patients with chronic wounds. Learn how bacterial fluorescence imaging can be incorporated into routine wound care to optimize wound hygiene by guiding targeted cleansing.

MolecuLight i:X in the plastic surgery clinic
Lt Col. Steven Jeffery, RAMC shares his experience using the MolecuLight i:X in a plastic surgery setting.
MolecuLight i:X in the plastic surgery clinic
Lt Col. Steven Jeffery shares his experience using the MolecuLight i:X in a plastic surgery setting.

Correlating MolecuLight i:X and standard culture methods
Prof. Paul Kim, MS, DPM shares his findings from a study where he examined the correlation of bacterial fluorescence with standard methods.
Correlating MolecuLight i:X and standard culture methods
Prof. Paul Kim, MS, DPM shares his findings from a study designed to assess debridement and its impact on bacteria using qualitative, quantitative, and semiquantitative techniques. Bacterial fluorescence was also tested in this study to examine the correlation of bacterial fluorescence with standard methods.

Wound Mapping: A guide to targeted debridement and wound healing
Learn how Dr. Stephan Landis uses the MolecuLight i:X to target debridement in his clinical practice.
Wound Mapping: A guide to targeted debridement and wound healing
Learn how Dr. Stephan Landis uses the MolecuLight i:X to target debridement in his clinical practice.